So, time I suppose, for an update! However, we are about to digress from the overall theme.
Here is the news! Dom and I have decided to move to Toowoomba and as such have rented a house for 12 months. We have both secured jobs there and even bought a lovely new car for the trips back and forth. What happened to the pioneering plans of living it rough on the block? Why rent when we could be building our own place? Well..
A month or so ago we met with Kevin the local Crows Nest electrician at the block. And took some time to clean the you do.

We had intended to arrange for Kevin to install a builder's power pole so we could draw electricity to the shed and commence living, small style. But as we probably should have expected, his news was not overly positive. The power lines running past our place are actually high voltage lines, meaning we need a transformer to access the power. This, obviously comes at a cost (up to $30 000 depending on the option available to us) and will take some time (up to 9 months is the worst case scenario). Deep in the stress of trying to find new jobs and attain finance we decided the best option was to take a step back, concentrate on securing our incomes in the region and rent a house for 12 months.
So that we did! This morning we took a drive to 'Woombie to pick up the keys to our new place and do our tenant's inspection. We will be moving to 13 Swallow Court, Newtown on 12 December. Unfortunately the house has been taken down from the realtor's website, and we didn't take any photos today. But in two weeks time there will be pics galore i'm sure. The location of the house is great - very close to both of our new jobs!
Yep! New jobs! Gotta love em! I will be working as Personal Assistant to the Principal/Registrar at St Ursula's College. And Dom will be Line Haul Coodinator for NQX. Dom starts his new role on 15 December, hence the move on the 12th and I get a nice Christmas holiday and will start in my new role on 5 January.
And to help with all of this driving about, we bought a new car! We are now the proud owners of one of these:

It's all a bit too swanky for the likes of us, but hey, we'll take it :)
So that is the update. We are busy packing up our worldly possessions here on the Coast ready for our move. Once settled we can focus on our plans for the block, make some long term decisions about what we want in a house (yeah right!) and move in the right direction one local step at a time.